Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tips On A Homemade Colon Cleansing Diet For Weight Loss

What in the world does a homemade colon cleansing diet have to do with weight loss? Frankly, a whole darn lot! Just think about it for a minute. If you're full of it you can be retaining body waste and holding fluid. A good cleansing of your colon will work miracles in the way you feel and help get rid of a few extra pounds. This article will provide you with some tips that will help you out.

Colon cleansing diets have the aim of refreshing and cleaning out your colon and other parts of your insides. The positive effect this has on your body is measured in several different ways.

1st. You'll find yourself having more energy. As all that horrible debris is cleared from your body it makes you feel amazingly energized.

2nd. You will notice your skin looking clearer and more alive. You will have your loved ones asking you what you have done with yourself.

3rd. You will reduce the bloating in your lower belly area. In fact that new pair of tight jeans will go on easier and look better.

4th. You will lose weight fast.

This is the flow on effect from cleansing your colon.

Colon cleansing may be undertaken through a thorough cleansing action, such as pills or an enema. In addition you can accomplish this through dieting. The second option is much less intrusive than the first and often; more effective. Meanwhile, while dieting you will be treating your entire body, mind and inner being to a healthier you.

There are some important things to remember when going on a homemade colon cleansing diet. These include:

- Drink at least 8 (8oz), preferably more, glasses of water per day. Spring or filtered water is better than tap water.
- Drinking fruit and vegetable shakes is a great way to stave off hunger.
- Eliminate dairy products - they are something to avoid when cleansing the body.
- Cut out red meat entirely or reduce your intake to 6 oz. or less. Meat is the major factor in the build up of toxins in the body. A good substitute for the red meat is chicken or fish.

Steamed vegetables and fruit ideally should make up 90% of your colon cleansing diet. Steamed vegetables retain more nutrients than other ways of cooking vegetables which can often cook out the goodness. Raw vegetables are however the best, although sometimes not the tastiest, way to consume vegetables.

So what other symptoms can colon cleansing assist with? You may be surprised to learn about how many minor symptoms are caused by matter built up in the colon. This may include:

• Headaches
• Tiredness
• Back ache
• Constipation
• Abdominal pain
• Bloating
• Depression
• Weight gain or loss
• Insomnia
• Acne

All of the above symptoms can benefit from a homemade colon cleansing diet.

Today’s dietary trend of high fat foods is rather different to what humans were eating 100 years ago, but our bodies have not changed. This results in the body rejecting much of the food we eat and excessive build up in the colon is one negative result of this.

After completing your homemade colon cleansing diet you must stick to a permanently healthy diet to retain colon and digestive health. As always when implementing a new change to your body it is always best to check with your medical doctor prior to taking the action.

This article is for informational purposes only. It should not be used as medical advise or as a substitute for madical advise.

The Best Way To Make Up A Weight Loss Nutrition Program

You've been struggling with your weight and you're looking for the right weight loss nutrition program, but with all kinds of different diets it's hard to know what foods you can eat and what to avoid. There are questions, like: whether carbohydrates are good or bad, whether it's better to avoid fat or only avoid trans fat, and which vegetables are ideal for healthy eating? All of these things factor into what you should eat. Your best bet is to follow the weight loss food pyramid – it can answer all your questions about healthy eating.

Fruits and vegetables are the most important things for a healthy diet and weight loss. Fruits are the way to go when you're craving something sweet, since they contain natural sugars and vitamins that make them healthier than sweet junk foods. A healthy amount of calories comes from fruits as well, and your body needs calories to function. Fruit also contains fiber that works with proteins by helping to break them down and it also keeps you feeling full. So, when you want to eat less, grab some fruit. Vegetables and fruits both are full of fiber, but vegetables tend not to have the extra calories and sugars that fruit has.

To boost your metabolism and maintain muscles like your heart and lungs, you should consume a good amount of meat, poultry, and fish. Meat contains a lot of protein, which is important for your body, but some meats can also contain a lot of fats. Ideally, you should eat fish because it's low in fat and calories and still has a high amount of protein. If you’re not into fish, poultry and lean cut meat is the next best thing for your weight loss nutrition program.

Carbohydrates have gotten a bad rap because of recent boom diets, but the fact of the matter is your body needs them. Grains like bread and pasta can be broken down and stored as fat when you eat too much of them but they're good for keeping high energy throughout the day when you eat just a serving a day. Completely cutting carbohydrates out of your diet can lead to rapid weight gain if you ever decide to start eating them again.

Since the health of your bones is an important part of how you function, milk products should be a part of your diet. Cheeses and creams can be high in fat, so you should be cautious when shopping for those specifically. Labels that say “low fat” just mean they're lower in fat than normal – they may still be chock full of the stuff. Try skim milk instead. It’s a great source of calcium without the high amounts of fat and calories.

You should keep in mind that eating is a natural thing and refraining from eating is a bad idea, even if you're just skipping out on one meal a day. Your body needs these foods and nutrients, so don't skimp out on them. With this list of good foods, you should be able to make a weight loss nutrition program without feeling like you're starving yourself.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Vitamin B12 Deficiency The Shot In The Arm You May Need For Diet Therapy

What exactly is vitamin B12 and why do we need it? Vitamin B12 is a nutrient that is found in our food and we need it to keep our nerve cells healthy and to keep our red blood cells at optimum efficiency. It is also extremely important for proper digestion; in fact, our stomach acids grab the B12 from food and mix it with IF, which is then easily absorbed by the intestinal tract.

Benefit of B12

If you have a vitamin B12 deficiency, you are likely to feel tired, lightheaded, and weak. You may have a sore tongue or your gums may bleed. You will probably experience digestion problems – either diarrhea or constipation. You may feel tingling in your hands or feet, get out of breath easily, hear a ringing sound in your ears, have chest pain, and develop neurological symptoms such as forgetfulness, a lack of ability to focus, and becoming easily confused.

B12 available mostly from meat

Most people do not suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency, as it is readily available in a lot of different foods, but mostly meat, so sometimes vegetarians and vegans do not get enough B12 from their diets. If you do have a vitamin B12 deficiency, it is probably most likely due to some disorder of the digestive system. People with chronic diarrhea, Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, and the like are likely to have B12 anemia because of their inability to absorb the B12 they ingest.

Vitamin B12 energy booster

Vitamin B12 is a known energy booster, and as such many dieticians and physicians are recommending weight loss patients, whether or not they have a vitamin B12 deficiency, include a shot in their diet therapy. The reason for this is most people who diet; tend to complain about losing energy, perhaps because of their limited calorie intake. Since B12 is a big energy provider, many health care professionals and lay people alike swear that dieters should follow a regimen for vitamin B12 deficiency diet therapy. Most weight loss clinics include B12 injections as part of their overall healthy weight loss plans.

Blood cell booster

Neurologists, gastroenterologists, and family physicians also see the benefits of vitamin B12 deficiency diet therapy. As people get older, they may eat a lesser variety of foods, and combined with the decrease in cognitive functioning people tend to display in their older years, vitamin B12 diet therapy is often seen as necessary. Even most doctors who treat patients with Alzheimer’s recommend B12 as a general blood cell booster to help with cognitive abilities. Because a vitamin B12 deficiency can often result in an inability to focus and concentrate, students may also benefit from being tested for B12 levels.

Vitamin B12 deficiency diet therapy has also been shown to reduce cravings. If you can eliminate or greatly reduce your desire for those foods that you know are not good for you, you are well on your way to overcoming food and weight loss difficulties. Vitamin B12 is a great energy source and a valuable craving reduction tool.

Twelve-Day Grapefruit Diet

How great would it be to shed a bunch of unwanted pounds in less than two weeks? Of course, that sounds like a dream-come-true, right? Well, the twelve-day grapefruit diet claims to do just that. I am wary of any diet that insists you eat only one certain food, or one food most of the time, but there are definitely some health benefits to be found in the yummy citrus fruit we call grapefruit.

The grapefruit diet that has been around for a number of years is also known as the twelve day grapefruit diet because it is designed to be done for twelve days, with two days off, then resumed for twelve more days, and so on, until you lose the amount of weight you want to lose.

Intake min 800 calories per day

For the most part, the twelve day grapefruit diet limits your calorie intake to a very minimal eight hundred calories per day. Can you imagine? When you only consume eight hundred calories, whether you include grapefruit or not, you are bound to lose some weight. However, the twelve day grapefruit diet does have you either eat grapefruit or drink grapefruit juice with every meal.


In addition, it limits the other types of foods you can enjoy. For example, the veggies you must give up on the twelve day grapefruit diet include tomatoes, celery, cabbage, peas, cucumbers, green beans and lettuce.

That being said, the twelve day grapefruit diet seems very hard to maintain. Yes, if you only have a few pounds to lose, you might want to try the grapefruit idea, but as far as using it as a regular eating plan, that seems unwise. The twelve day grapefruit diet is much too restrictive; it would be difficult to find anyone who had the stamina – even folks who adore grapefruit – to maintain such restrictions for long.

Great Source of vitamin C

What is good about grapefruit, though? Isn’t fruit supposed to be good for us? Yes, of course it is. Grapefruit is a great source of vitamin C. It is definitely low in calories.

Many folks who swear by the greatness of colon cleansing use grapefruit as part of their cleansing plan. Also, grapefruit seems to decrease the amount of insulin in the bloodstream. This is definitely great news for people with diabetes or with a diabetic tendency in their genetic makeup.

In addition to vast amounts of vitamin C and insulin regulation, grapefruit may also help control cholesterol, which is a powerful tool in avoiding heart disease. There is even some ongoing research that might suggest that grapefruit helps fight cancer because of its DNA-repairing abilities. Of course, let’s not forget the basics. The twelve day grapefruit diet will give you fiber, vitamin C, potassium, and folic acid, which are all good.

May not be long term diet plan

It may not be the best idea to latch onto a particular-food diet as a long-term way to eat, so the twelve-day grapefruit diet should not be used for a lifelong nutritional plan; however, grapefruit definitely is delicious and has a lot of health benefits, so go ahead and peel yourself one or slice one in half and dig out the little triangles of lusciousness.
Let’s face it the grapefruit would make a great substitute for a mid morning or afternoon snack, in place of an energy drink or candy bar.

What Is The Best Weight Loss Program Out There

What is the best weight loss program out there? Well, that’s a bit of a loaded question – there truly is no absolute best weight loss program that’s going to work equally for everyone in helping to meet his or her weight loss goals. The best you can really do is research all of the options available (and there are a lot!) and decide which one best fits your lifestyle and needs.

Diet programs are one of the biggest businesses out there. While it’s true that many of these companies are committed to helping you drop a few pounds, others are just in it for a quick buck. Before you embark on any diet program, make sure you read up on it. There’s a ton of information just a Google search away at any given moment. Look up reviews by customers and professionals, as well as data from science and health organizations to make sure that the product your getting is as safe and effective as it claims.

In addition to doing your own research, you should visit your personal physician to determine if you are healthy enough to commence any diet program. In some cases you may discover there is an underlying illness or disease, which is causing your weight gain. Once your doctor has given you a clean bill of health, then you can move forward into your diet program.

Many people have recommended Weight Watchers as the best weight loss program on the market today. It has one of the highest long-term success rates of any diet plan that you can find. It’s also relatively cheap compared to many consumer diet choices, making it available to just about anyone.

If you’ve ever gone out to dinner with a friend who says, “Oh, I can’t eat that, it’s too many points,” chances are they were on Weight Watchers (otherwise, they may just be a little crazy). Weight Watchers assigns every food a point value and provides a schedule of how many points can be consumed daily. This allows people to make smart choices about the food they eat on the fly.

The big criticism of Weight Watchers is that it over-simplifies the nutritional value of food by using the point system. They claim that it doesn’t always cause healthier eating – just trying to squeeze every last calorie out of each point. In spite of that, Weight Watchers has a great success rate.

Another very popular diet plan is Slim Fast. This plan uses diet shakes and prepackaged foods as part of the plan. This can be very easy to use for busy people without time to cook healthier meals, but it’s also a very expensive option, as it can cost as much as $40 a week to purchase the products you need. Not to mention, all those shakes get a little boring after awhile!

If you’re looking for a little more flexibility in choosing a weight loss program, there are a lot of Internet websites to turn to. Some of these sites compile multiple types of diets all in one place, so you can compare the pros and cons of each diet, one by one. Some of them offer online support chats to help keep you focused on your diet. You can be sure to find the best weight loss program to fit your specific needs and weight loss goals on one of these sites.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Important Information About Weight Loss Vitamins

One of the things that people often neglect when undergoing a new weight-loss plan are weight loss vitamins. In fact, despite the fact that vitamins are so important to the way our bodies function, a lot of people really don’t know anything about the advantages that vitamins can provide. Weight loss is just one benefit that certain vitamins can provide. If you’d like to find out about the best weight loss vitamins, how to get them, and how they help you, read on.

Best weight loss vitamin

Actually, there’s really no such thing as the “best” weight loss vitamins. Your body is like a very complicated machine. Like most complicated pieces of machinery, it takes more than any one thing to keep it running well. Vitamins work together with each other to produce all kinds of great results for your body. Different vitamins can work together to raise your metabolism, control your appetite, and help you burn more calories, all of which can contribute to increased weight loss.

vitamin B2

Vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, is one of the most important weight loss vitamins. Sources for B2 include dairy products like milk, eggs, and hard cheeses, and it can also be found in leafy green vegetables and wheat germ. B2 helps keep your thyroid function intact. The thyroid is a gland in the body that can control metabolism and the way your body grows. B2 can help the thyroid function, keeping your metabolic rate up, which means you’ll burn fat faster.

Vitamin B5

Vitamin B5, also called panthothenic acid, is a vitamin that helps our body use fat. The body burns fat to create energy, and if you have a deficiency of B5, your body might have trouble doing this. You’ll retain more fat, and that’s not something anyone wants! You can find B5 in all kinds of meat and poultry, as well as nuts, wheat products, eggs, beans, bread and green vegetables.

Vitamin B complex

Another important vitamin in the list of weight loss vitamins is choline, which is part of the vitamin B complex family. Choline is not technically a vitamin, it’s actually something your own body makes in the liver. However, without the proper foods, the liver can’t make choline. This can cause to get trapped in the liver. Choline comes from some types of beef, egg yolks, and vegetables such as cauliflower and cucumbers.

Vitamin C

Although there are other important weight loss vitamins, the last once covered here is vitamin C. Vitamin C has a wide range of health benefits, but in terms of weight loss, it helps your body to convert glucose into energy. Most famously found in oranges, you can also get the vitamin C you need from broccoli, kiwi, lemons, and strawberries as well as some veggies like Brussels sprouts and cabbage.
Vitamins are a key factor in how our bodies work, and if you think you can lose weight without getting the right vitamins, you’re making a big mistake. As you prepare your diet, keep in mind these weight loss vitamins – they’ll help you along the way.

Does Your Teen Think She Is Fat Teenage Diet Plans

Has your teenager stopped eating because they think their overweight? Are they always talking about a teenage diet plan or other ways to lose weight? Be aware! This may not be a passing mood change. It could be heading your teen into some serious health problems. What you find here may help you get a handle on what you need to do to help them.

Many times teenage diet plans can be dangerous to the teen’s health. Due to the danger in teenage diet plans it is important to consult their doctor before beginning any diet. Most doctors will be against putting a teen on a diet plan; as it is unnecessary in most cases. If your teen is in need of a diet plan it’s important to go about it the right way.

Teens are at an age, where peer pressure, has a serious affect on their body and mental image of themself. Many healthy teens will begin to obsess about weight problems that don’t exist. This often makes them take dangerous steps to fit in; such as, starving themselves.

The best type of teenage diet plan is one that incorporates all the nutrients needed to build strong bones and maintain general health. If your teen must be put on a diet plan consult your doctor. They should be able to help you set up a healthy plan.

It is normal for teens to carry a small amount of extra weight. Most teens will lose it as they continue to grow. It is also important to teach your teen that everyone is not supposed to be the same.

Just because your daughters best friend weighs 105 lbs doesn’t mean that it is a healthy or even an attractive weight for your daughter. There are many factors that come into play when it comes to a healthy weight; such as, height, bone size, and family history.

A good teenage diet will consist of very few junk foods or none at all. These foods have no beneficial nutrients. They also carry many empty calories and loads of fat. Eating too much junk food can actually put your teen at risk for weight related diseases like diabetes and heart disease.

One of the essential parts to a good teenage diet plan is plenty of exercise. In many cases exercise is all that is required. If your teen exercises regularly they will build lean muscle which naturally burns calories.

In order for your teen to get the greatest benefit out of their diet plan it is important to make sure it includes plenty of fruits and vegetables. Teach your teen to pack healthy snacks of fruit and vegetables when leaving the house. This will prevent them from picking up fast food or junk food when they get hungry.

A healthy teenage diet contains lean meats. Eating small portions of lean meat can help teens to lose weight as it aids in the digestion process. Keep them away from large amounts of red meat because it is high in fat and is harder to digest. Instead cook them meals with chicken and fish.

All teens should be getting plenty of skim milk as it has less fat then whole and still contains the necessary calcium. They should also replace any juice drinks and soda with water. As you know water is the best hydrater for your teens body. One way to get them to drink more water is to explain how it will help keep their skin healthy and help reduce the severity of acne. That gets them every time.

Teenage diet plans are not recommended unless necessary. If it is necessary then make sure to consult your teen’s doctor to put together a healthy diet plan.

Your 6 Healthy Tips For The Fastest Way To Lose Weight

Do you know the healthiest and fastest way to lose weight? Let’s face it everybody has some ideas about losing weight. After all the information is every where. It’s in every media outlet known to man. But, the question remains, do you know the fastest and healthiest way to lose the pounds and keep them off? This article will disclose 6 tips which will help you lose weight fast and
best of all, keep it off. Please read on!

There is more than one way to lose weight but the basic principles are:

• Burn more calories than you consume
• Improve metabolism by exercising daily
• Avoid unhealthy foods
• Eat more good foods
• Have good genes

Ok, so you can't do much about that last factor but the other 4 are completely within your control and they can all contribute to the fastest way to loose weight.

Many bodybuilders and other sports people often need to loose weight quickly for a competition. However, their bodies are different from yours and mine. Generally you will find that their bodies’ metabolism is usually very fast, therefore they can strip off the pounds quicker. So how do you a regular person loose weight fast? Here are some tips:

1. Eat a big breakfast

It may sound ironic, but eating a lot at breakfast can help you lose weight fast. Breakfast is the most vital meal of the day and a well balanced meal here will really lessen your appetite during the day. You'll also have the entire day to burn the calories eaten at breakfast. A good breakfast should include whole grain cereal mixed with fruits. A blended fruit juice is also ideal.

2. Small meals

The rest of your day should consist of small light meals. Aim for another 4 to 5 small meals throughout the day. By sticking to small rather than large meals you are constantly burning calories without feeling hungry.

3. What to eat

Sticking to vegetables will assist in the fastest way to loose weight. Meat will have you putting on weight but, if you aren’t a vegetarian, you may not want to cut out meat altogether. Fish is a low fat alternative as is chicken. Stick to very lean red meats and only eat it once or twice per week maximum.

4. Snacks

You don’t have to forgo snacks to lose weight fast. Your snacks simply must be low calorie. Consider an apple, strawberries or a bunch of blueberries as a snack. Not only are they healthy but also delicious.

5. Exercise

You can’t lose weight fast without exercise. Depending how fast you wish to lose weight, you may need to exercise intensely everyday. This means running or walking for at least 30 minutes twice per day. You should also incorporate some resistance training as the gaining of muscle results in the faster loss of fat.

6. Drink plenty of water

Your whole body will benefit from drinking plenty of water. Not only will it help you get rid of the extra fluid your body retains, but it will flush other toxins from your system. Being fully hydrated also will help increase your metabolism.

The fastest way to lose weight need not be a dangerous or unhealthy way. Sticking to a well controlled diet and exercise plan will have you losing the pounds in no time at all.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Looking For Exercise Plans For Quick Weight Loss

If you have been looking to lose weight and have been trying to find exercise plans for quick weight loss, then you have likely become frustrated with trying to find an effective workout that would get you the results you wanted. There are many different types of exercise plans, but some are ineffective when it comes to losing weight. In order to obtain the best results when attempting to exercise and lose weight, a few simple rules need to be followed.

Dieting and Exercise Plan

First, when you are on an exercise plan, you should also diet in order to ensure that you keep the number of calories you take in balanced in proportion to the number of calories you burn. Exercising does you no good if you just go out and eat more when you are finished. Dieting is the first key to any truly successful weight loss, especially when you want to make sure that you not only get those pounds off, but that you keep them off, too. Once you find the right diet, now you are ready to find the right exercise plan.


Start by doing some stretches. Stretches help to not only get your heart pumping and your blood flowing, but also help to warm up your muscles and joints. This helps to ensure that while you are exercising, you are less likely to do any damage, such as pulling a muscle. Such damage can be extremely painful at times and should be avoided when possible. Stretches help to make sure that you do not hurt yourself when you decide to exercise.

Work Out

The next thing you should do is your main set of exercising. This can be anything from a good, endurance building workout, such as walking, jogging, running, or riding a bicycle. These workouts help to build up the strength of your heart and your lungs, which enables you to do more without running out of air. You could also choose to go towards more of a strength building workout, which consists of weight lifting. However, if you are attempting to just lose weight, muscle building workouts will not help you much.


Muscles weight more than fat, which means as you burn fat doing strength building exercises, you are increasing the muscles in your body. This makes it so that you end up sometimes gaining weight when trying to use strength building exercises when dieting. If you are aiming to burn fat and gain muscle, but are not concerned about weight itself, then this is the way to go.

Final Step

After you finish your work out, be sure to stretch again. This helps to bring your body slowly back down from the higher level of activity that it was at. Following all of these tips can help you significantly, as this helps to ensure that you do not damage your body when you are using your exercise plans for quick weight loss.

Click Here! for your Free E book “The Natural Weight Loss Solution” Discover the proven weight loss solution which helps you to accelerate your weight loss. You will learn how to eat, how much to eat in order to balance your digestive system!

Tips For Alternate Solutions To Your Dieting Motivation

What can you do about your dieting motivation? Are you reading this because you are 10, 15, 30 pounds or more overweight? You know if you don't lose the weight you can end up an invalid or worse; Dead! But you also know your will power to stick with a life saving diet is nil or for all practical purposes; next to none. This article will offer tips on how you can improve your commitment to saving your life.

Lose Weight Motivation

You are well aware your lack of motivation is the single most common reason you will give up on a diet before you've started. Because you don’t see results in a day or two, it’s easy to give up. But you also know it is absolutely vital for you to stick with it for at least a week. In addition you know the first week is the hardest. After you have stuck to your new diet plan and exercise for one week only, it becomes much easier from then on.

Change Your Lifestyle Can Become Most Discourage

Making a change to a new diet is a big deal. You are literally changing your lifestyle. More than likely if you were a bad eater before, you are going to have to give up a lot of food you enjoy.

This is the point where you will become the most discouraged. However, there is a way to overcome this discouragement. The key is to replace the enjoyment you used to get from food with other more healthy activities. Take the time ride a bike with your children. Go for a walk with your partner. Enjoy the beauty of a sunset or sunrise. You will be pleasantly surprised how good these little things will make you feel.

Junk Food or Excessive Eating

Studies have shown that for a great many overweight people, junk food or excessive eating is an emotional problem rather than a physical problem. Therefore you well need to consult a professional councilor to root out the problem. Once you know the real reason behind your weight problem, your motivation for getting rid the weight will skyrocket.

Stop Thinking Of Food

To assist with your dieting motivation consider getting your mind off food altogether. When you stop thinking about food you will be surprised how your cravings for food will decrease. Keeping busy is the key to sticking to a diet, and this means taking up hobbies or reaching out to others. Find a passion in your life and the cravings for food will seem like a distant memory.

Need Time To See Result

Results from dieting can often be slow to show materialize. But don’t let that ruin your motivation! You can speed up the weight loss process by combining it with exercise with the result being faster weight loss.

Once you do start seeing results your motivation can sky rocket. It is this first sign of your new body that literally makes you never want to go back to your old bad habits. The first time you have a glimpse of what your body is working towards then motivation is rarely a problem.

Reward Yourself

So what else can you do to motivate yourself to stick to that diet? Rewards are an excellent idea if you are still craving that chocolate cake or soft drink. It's not necessary for you to eliminate every single food or drink that you enjoy. The process of dieting is about reduction and moderation, not elimination.

Set You Goal

Set yourself a goal to stick to your diet for 4 straight days, then on the 5th day you can enjoy that chocolate cake or ice cream (in moderation). When you know you will be having a treat, rather than making it the forbidden fruit, it will do amazing things for your motivation.

Dieting motivation is all in the mind; if you have control of your mind then you can also have control of your body!

Click Here! for your Free E book “The Natural Weight Loss Solution” Discover the proven weight loss solution which helps you to accelerate your weight loss. You will learn how to eat, how much to eat in order to balance your digestive system!

How You Loose Weight In One Day

Do you need to quickly loose weight in one day? You’re not by yourself. It’s a very common occurrence when people want or need to drop a few pounds in 1 day, but is it really possible? Is it really healthy to do so? You will see it is possible and it can be safe provided you do it the right way.

Crash Diet

Prior to undertaking a crash diet or any diet for that matter, you should consult your doctor, to make certain you have no underlying health issues which could be aggravated by such a diet.

You won’t lose weight in 24 hours

While you won’t actually lose permanent weight in 24 hours or less, it is possible to reduce the bloat of weight gain. This will make it possible for you to fit into that new dress or simply to look better when you hit the beach tomorrow.

No Starving

The key to this is not starving yourself, but just eating sensibly. In the long run you ideally need to stick to this sort of diet regime so that there is no need for crash diets in the future!

There are several one day diets out there on the internet, but you need to be cautious, as any sort of crash diet may be highly dangerous. Starving your body of nutrition even for one day can have drastic consequences, particularly if you need to carry on with a regular routine. The secret to losing some bloat and loose weight in one day is simply to cut out any junk food and ONLY eat fruit and vegetables.

One day diet menu

Your body will be fine with this diet for one day and a lack of meat will actually make you feel better as your system uses a lot of resources to process meat. Some people also feel bloated from meat but not from vegetables. If you need extra sustenance, consider fish instead of meat.

An example of a loose weight in one day diet is outlined below


This is where you will stock up on your day's fuel. Don't go too light on breakfast or you will weaken during the day. Avoid white bread and cereal and go for whole grain. Pancakes are also ok.


Fruit is ideal for lunch. Consider a banana, mango, orange and other tasty treats. Cucumbers are also excellent fillers and a raw carrot stick tops it off.


A light dinner eaten early in the evening is the key. You will want to leave enough to time to go for a brisk walk about 2 hours after eating dinner. Raw or lightly cooked carrots and broccoli are a good light dinner that won’t leave you starving.


Apples are great for a snack but don’t over do it. Some people get bloated after too much fruit and the idea today is not to eat a lot. One apple is enough to get you through between meals.


Drink water and a lot of it. This will induce your body to get rid of the excess fluid your body has been retaining. Avoid caffeine, carbonated soft drinks and other fluids which will restrict eliminating waste fluids.

By following the above diet for one day you're stomach will shrink just enough for you to fit into that bikini or new dress!

Click Here! for your Free E book The Natural Weight Loss Solution! Discover the proven weight loss solution which helps you to accelerate your weight loss. You will learn how to eat, how much to eat in order to balance your digestive system!

How To Lose 15 Pounds Fast

Do you want to lose 15 pounds fast? Would that be pounds of fat, water or muscle?

You see, when people talk about losing weight, they don't always comprehend exactly what that means. Most people automatically connect weight with fat, but that's not accurate.

Lose Fat, Water, Muscle

If you want to lose 15 pounds just so it looks better on the scale readout, then it probably doesn't matter whether you lose fat, water or muscle. If you want to lose that extra bulge around your middle, then you're looking to lose 15 pounds of fat fast.


Regardless of whether you want to lose fat or pounds, it's important to know that water makes up part of that loss. In fact, during the first few days of any diet, water makes up the majority of loss.

Fast Dieting

There are countless sites on the internet that claim to be able to show you how to lose 15 pounds fast. What they don't always tell you is that losing weight fast can be dangerous to your health. Of course, it all depends on what you consider 'fast'. For some people, a month would be fast while others see it as something more immediately, like a few days or a week.

Lose 15 pounds in a Month

The most realistic goal would be to lose 15 pounds in a month, because that's far more achievable. Still, it can be risky if you don't approach your weight loss correctly.

If you want to lose 15 pounds fast, it can't be all water, which is the easiest to shed. Your body needs water to survive. Deprive it of too much water and it will begin to break down.


Starvation or near starvation isn't the answer either. In fact, not eating will cause your body to retain and even gain weight. When your body isn't getting enough nutrients, warnings go off. In a desperate effort to survive, it hangs onto everything you feed it, which adds weight.

Well Balance Diet

The best way to lose 15 pounds fast is by eating foods such as meat that use more of your energy to digest it. You could eat nothing but meat, but that wouldn't be healthy either. Your body needs a well-rounded diet that provides all the required nutrients. You can eat a well-balanced diet and still lose weight if you know which foods to choose.

Before starting your weight loss plan, take measurements of your body including your weight and fat content. Special callipers (usually part of a weight loss or fitness center's tool kit) are used to measure fatty tissue on various areas of your body. Keep these figures handy so you can see your progress.

Here Are Some Weight Loss Plan You Can Do to Lose 15 Pounds Fast.

1) Avoid foods that cause water retention, like salt. Cut back on salt and you'll begin to shed weight.

2) Eat 5-6 small meals throughout the day to keep your body's digestive process working.

3) Add foods that use more energy to digest, including meat, chicken, salmon, asparagus, cheese, carrots, squash and green beans.

4) Drink water throughout the day as this helps boost your metabolism.

5) Exercise to build muscle, because muscle increases your metabolism naturally.

Re-take your measurements about every week or two and if you aren't seeing results, adjust your weight loss plan accordingly.

Stay loyal to your plan and you can lose 15 pounds fast.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Free E book Natural Weight Loss Solution

Click Here! for your Free E book The Natural Weight Loss Solution! Discover the proven weight loss solution which helps you to accelerate your weight loss. You will learn how to eat, how much to eat in order to balance your digestive system!

Acai Berry Side Effects

Acai Berry is a small purple fruit which is harvest from the acai palm. They grow in Central and South America where the natives have used them in their daily diet for many generations. Health and fitness become aware of the benefit of acai berry.

Boost Natural Metabolism

Acai berry contains antioxidant that helps to boost the body natural metabolism. It increases the rate of burning the calories. According to the international measurement standard of ORAC, acai berry contains one of the highest antioxidant levels of any fruit.

Omega 6 and 9, amino fatty acids

The natural combination of antioxidants, amino acids, essential fatty acids including omega-6 and -9 found naturally 100 percent in pure acai berry. It works together to process food and burn fat more efficiently to live healthier and longer.

High amount of Fiber

Acai Berry contain 40 percent of fiber which able to provide fullness and high energy all day. It is an ideal fruit that reduce the number of free radicals in your blood stream and boost the reaction in your immune system. It keeps your inner and outer cell unimpaired and suppressing your appetite. With suppressing appetite, you will have less craving to eat more but you will feel fuller for longer time.


Acai Berry is good to detoxify your body. It promotes the function to remove waste found in the intestines and stomach. It helps to cleanse your body including area like colon, liver, and intestines that affected by poor digestion. Due to this, you may find your digestive system is work freely and your body system is run at optimal levels. A regular intake of acai berry together with detoxify supplement will help you to lose weight and make your body feel healthier because of high level of free radical fighting antioxidants.

Acai Berry aid for Weight Loss

Even though you consume acai berry does not mean you do not need to exercise. In fact acai berries helps to stabilize your body cholesterol level. When you take acai berry together with daily exercise, acai berry helps the body to burn fat quicker. It helps the body to do this more efficiently and you will able to see quick result by exercising.

Acai berry has a wide reaching beneficial effect on the body, helping to promote metabolism, detoxification, suppressing appetite, high fiber, omega 6 and 9. Acai berry are the perfect product for people who need boost of energy and vitality.

Click Here! for your Free E book The Natural Weight Loss Solution! Discover the proven weight loss solution which helps you to accelerate your weight loss. You will learn how to eat, how much to eat in order to balance your digestive system!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Weight Loss Diet, 5 powerful tips weight loss and healthy food choices

Do you know what healthy food keeps you loss weight? If you didn’t select the right food for your healthy diet, you will never put down weight but gain weight. Choices of healthy food can be delicious and fun. Below are 5 tips that will guide for a better choice food.

1. Fruits

One of the healthiest foods you can consume is fruits. It's important for you to eat at least two cups per day. Furthermore if you vary your selection you are more likely to continue to eat your fruits each day.

To increase your appetite fruit intake, you can drink all natural fruit juices. However, you should make sure not to over indulge in fruit juice.

2. Eat Fresh Meat

Yes, you know meat is one of the primary sources of protein, this is part of the healthy food choice. Moderation in portion sizes is the key to keep your weight under control and eating healthy.

Depending on your calorie intake a portion should be from 4 to 5 oz. It is important for the meat to be as lean as possible. Furthermore with cooking method like baking, grilling or broiling, this helps to drain way grease from the meat. This cut down the fat.

Instead of meat, you can get substitute foods such as nuts, fish and beans, food that you get the necessary proteins.

3. Fish like salmon, sardines and tuna are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids

This food are good for your heart in addition help to speed up your metabolism. These fish lower the level of leptin, a hormone, in your system. Studies have shown that lower levels of leptin make it easier to lose weight. Fish are also a great source of lean protein, and protein is an important part of many of the foods that speed up metabolism.

4. Milk Products

Children need calcium to strengthen their bones. In fact the human body needs calcium to stay healthy. However many folks are lactose intolerant and have to substitute Soy products and others for their calcium content.

You can further contribute to your healthy food choices by using dairy products which have little or no fat in them. Yogurt is a great alternative for getting calcium and helping you lose weight.

5. Veggies

Without argument vegetables are at the top of the list for healthy food choices. Great for helping control your weight but still keeping you healthy; with the right nutrition’s and vitamins your body needs.

Now here is an extra tip just for you. Stay away from the foods that contain a large percentage of trans fats, increased levels of sodium and saturated fat. Take the few extra seconds necessary to check the ingredients on the labels of the containers.

It is quite obvious there are many other healthy food choices you can make. It is also obvious that appropriate portion size is important to your health and your weight. Furthermore, when you go the extra mile and include physical exercise with your healthy food choice; you will be even healthier and keep your weight under control.

The Secrets for Foods That Speed Up A Slow Metabolism, do you believe it?

It is hard to believe that there are foods that can speed up our slow metabolism. You may ask me what are there? It is too good to believe that there are food can speed up a slow body metabolism. You may already eat before and some of them not even know about it. It is very normal.

Salmon, Sardine, and Tuna

Salmon, sardines and tuna are great sources of Omega-3 fatty acids, which will lower the level of a hormone called leptin in your body. Leptin is hormone function to communicates with your brain when you feel hungry. This hormone is important to regulate body weight, metabolism, and reproductive function to regulate body weight. Studies show that it's easier to lose and keep off weight when your leptin levels are lower.

Water, Green Tea

A New Study indicates that drinking water can speed up weight loss according to the researchers in Germany. In the studies found that with 17 ounces of water can burn the calories by 30 percents. Drink enough water will help you to keep away from thirst of hunger. If you feel tasteless with water, try green tea. Green tea is another extract boosts metabolism and aid for weight loss. It becomes trendy and consume by weight conscious celebrities.

Hot pepper

Eating hot pepers can speed up metabolism and cool your craving. Foods containing hot peppers like jalapeƱo, cayenne or habanero make your body temporarily stimulates your body to release more stress hormones which speeds up your metabolism and speed up your metabolism.

Low Fat Yogurt

Dairy product like yogurt can boost weight loss effort according to the study from obesity research. People on reduce calorie diet include three to four serving dairy foods lost more weight than those who take low dairy diet which contain same number of calorie. This is because yogurt contain 450mg per ounce serving as well as 12 grams of protein. It also include calcium, protein and other nutrient which contain good bacteria for your digestive system.

Whole grains – oatmeal

Oatmeal boost metabolism by being slow down the digest. It is a good source of cholesterol fighting, fat soluble fiber (7 grams per ¾ cup serving) that provide you full energy and feeling of full. Grain that keeps your body in minimal amounts of insulin i

This keeps minimal amounts of insulin in your bloodstream, and keeps your body from going into fat-storing overdrive. With low insulin in your bloodstream, it keeps your body from going weight gain. With high insulin cause symptoms like obesity, belly fat, high blood pressure.

The more foods that speed up a slow metabolism that you eat, the hotter your internal fat-melting furnace burns, and the easier it is to lose weight and stay fit. By taking these food into your diet, it is undeniable that to achieve your weight loss easier.